Tiramisu’s origins are unsure, both Tuscany and Veneto claim the paternity of this dessert; anyway, define
who’s right is almost impossible.
The most known story tell that it’s born at the end of XVII century in Siena; in honour of Granduke Cosimo III de’ Medici’s visit, who was pretty greedy, a new specialty was cooked and then named “Zuppa del Duca”.
He really like it and take the recipe back to his Florence court; from here, the dessert has spread all over Italy.
In Treviso has become the most loved dessert between the courtiers, who start to eat it before every date.
Sadly, the famous restaurant of Treviso, Le Beccherie, where the modern Tiramisu was created, has closed on
30th of March. The cause is mainly the actual crisis.
The Campeol family’s Tiramisu was born in the 70’s; the ancient Zuppa del Duca was modified in order to get
the actual Tiramisù.
Thanks to Un Muffin per Due