butter at room temperature, 4,4 oz
granulated white sugar, 4,4 oz
wheat flour, 2 cups
egg, 1
salt, 0,07 oz
vanilla bean, 1 (the zest of one lemon)
gooseberry jam
In a global hook, mix the butter with the sugar and the grated rind of lemon. Combine the egg, flour and salt. Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Line a baking pan 24 cm with greaseproof paper, set it aside, and preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Roll out the pastry with a rolling pin and place in the baking dish, arrange the edges, pour the grape jam and flatten it out.
With the remaining dough create with some strips to create the classic cover of a tart.
Remove the dough in excess and close the edges.
Cook for 20-25 minutes until the tart is golden.
Thanks to: Cooking With Julia