fresh salmon cut in chunks, 17 oz
extra virgin olive oil
dry white wine, 1 glass
black pepper
onions, 2 medium
tomatoes, 2 large


Skewers of salmon cooked on the barbecue are a tasty and light to eat; more, this fish has many beneficial properties for your body.
To prepare the skewers is necessary to leave the fish marinate for at least 3 hours before cooking: then sprinkle it wih an emulsion of oil, white wine, salt and black pepper. Make sure each piece of salmon is covered with the liquid and let it rest.
Meanwhile, wash the tomatoes and cut out small pieces of regular shape and do the same with the onion: put both aside for later use.
After marinating is completed, dial the skewers alternating on a special wooden stick or stainless steel the pieces of salmon with chunks of tomato and onion.
When the barbecue (or even the electric plate) it is hot, cook the skewers turning on all four sides so that the pieces of salmon are also cooked inside. Finally, season with salt and serve at the table.

Thanks to: Cucinare Pesce