3 hours

Flour, 17 oz
Fresh yeast for bread making, 0,8 oz (dry yeast, a sachet)
Water, 1 cup
Salt, 2 tsp + extra for the topping
Olive oil, 6 tbsp
Cherry tomatoes


Prepare the dough by melting the yeast with the lukewarm water. Add the flour, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and the salt; using your hands turn it into a smooth and slightly sticky dough. Work the dough for 10 minutes. Put it in a bowl, cover it up and let rest for two hours in a warm place. It should double in size.
Work the dough for 5 minutes and put it on a greased baking tray. It should be about 0,4 inch thick. Apply pressure using your fingertips on the dough. Sprinkle plenty of olive oil (about 3 tablespoons) on the surface so that the oil gets into the slits made by the tips of your fingers. Let it rise in a warm place for another half an hour.
Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves, then squeeze them gently to get rid of the seeds and excess water. Now put them on top of the pastry and press them in well and sprinkle plenty of dried oregano, some salt and some more olive oil. Cook for 35-40 minutes at 374F until golden.

Thanks to: My Little Italian Kitchen