“Prazzira” is the typical pizza of San Vito, a small town in the Province of Cagliari in Sadinia Island. The “prazzira” tradition was born for practical reasons: Saturday morning has always been dedicated to the preparation of bread and the time to prepare lunch was missing. The oven, however, was already on and hot and the bread dough was ready and plentiful. Time ago it was common for most families to cultivate a small vegetable garden and then there were fresh zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and herbs like basil and parsley to season the pizza of San Vito. From October to March, the “prazzira” was prepared mostly with potatoes, artichokes and mushrooms. One of the vegetables more affordable and available in all seasons was the onion: in winter and autumn onion vegetables was more used to prepare a special version of the “prazzira”, which is
more flattened, dry and crumbly.
Every year in July, the City of San Vito organizes a real party dedicated to the “prazzira”. In this occasion all the bakeries in the area work together. To accommodate all the participants, tourists and locals, the bakeries are working 150 kg of flour, 230 kg of tomatoes, eggplant and 180 kg of 10 kg of garlic.
The pizza of San Vito is one of the dishes that most amazed Francesca www.mistofrigo.it during the Blog Tour organized by the AIFB – Associazione Italiana Food Blogger e dalle Camere di Commercio of Cagliari and Nuoro.
Thanks to Mistofrigo