20 minutes

pasta, 350 oz
butter, 1 tbsp
olive oil, 1 tbsp
garlic, 2 whole cloves
chopped smoked salmon, 8,8 oz
cherry tomatoes, 20
pine nuts, 1,6 oz
raisins, 1,6 oz
cooking cream, 1/2 cup
a pinch of nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste
a few sprigs of wild fennel (fresh dill)


This sauce takes less than 10 minutes to be ready, bear this in minde when cooking pasta. Melt together butter and oil in a shallow pan on a medium heat. Add the garlic cloves and sauté them in the oil for two minutes. Remove garlic from oil. Add pine nuts and raisins then cook for a further minute. Add salmon and tomatoes, cook two more minutes – the salmon should start to change colour. Add cream and nutmeg, simmer gently for about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Drain pasta and stir it into the sauce, cook for a further minute. Garnish with wild fennel (or dill).

Thanks to: La Siciliana