yellow datterini tomatoes, 7 oz
grated parmigiano, 4 tbsp
fresh basil
pasta, 11 oz
red datterini tomatoes, 7 oz
Bring water to a boil.
Wash and cut yellow and red datterini.
Drop pasta into boiling water, stir and cook about 8-10 minutes according to package
Put 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick pan.
Add Fresh yellow Tomatoes, basil and two tablespoons of wate.r
Put 1 tablespoon oil in another large nonstick pan.
Add Fresh red Tomatoes, fresh basil and two tablespoons of water.
Drain pasta in a colander.
Mix pasta into the two sauce separately and add parmigiano.
Cook 5 minutes, stirring continuously.
Serve warm.
The cooked tomato with fresh basil and parmigiano is a taste pleasure and a great health benefit: cooked and lightly “seasoned” lycopene, the major antioxidant in tomatoes, is more available for absorption.
Thanks to: Misto Frigo