milk, 33,8 fl. oz
sugar, 10 tablespoons
vanilla puddings, 3
chocolate milk, 10,6 oz
white chocolate, 3,5 oz
1 packet of dry cookies
Put milk in a bowl and add sugar and puddings in it. Whisk the ingredients then put the rest of the milk in a pot and heat until it starts boiling.
Pour the puddings mix in the warm milk and cook it. Separate the cooked pudding into two pots.
Add dark chocolate in the first one and white chocolate in the other. Whisk them until both chocolates are melted. After that, leave it to cool. Using an electric whisker, whip the cream and add ¼ of it in dark mixture and ¼ in the light one. Cover an oval mold with a foil and pour the light mixture and a small part of the dark mixture. Then, gently mix until you get black and white stripes.
Spread the remaining cream all over the mixture and smooth it then, add the rest of the dark mixture over it. Dip the biscuits in some milk and lean them all over the mixture. Cover the cake with an aluminum foil and place it in the refrigerator for several hours.
Take a plate, larger than the cake, put it over the cake and turn it upside down. Can cut it as you wish and decorate it. Enjoy!
Thanks to: I Love Yummy Recipes