It’s pleasant, lively, tasty and colorful. It’s Mela Val di Non, the favorite apple in Italy, the undisputed symbol of the Valleys of Trentino.
The ingredients of this success are simple: the good air of the Trentino valleys, the abundance of water coming from the glaciers, and especially the climate, that makes this land most suitable for the cultivation of apple orchards. The Mela Val di Non has a variable color between green and strong yellow depending on the timing of harvest and the state of ripeness. Usually it’s smooth with lenticels.
Mela Val di Non, despite being a simple fruit, have lots of potential! Just think of the many fundamental nutrients for our well-being that an apple contains: minerals, fibers, vitamins and polyphenols. All of this contributes to make Melinda apples a proper health-food. Its genuine goodness makes an apple both a perfect food to be eaten raw, and a versatile ingredient in the kitchen.
Thanks to Melinda