The Parampampoli is an alcoholic beverage typical of the Valsugana. This spirit is served “flambè”.
Giordano Purin created the Parampampoli in the 1960, and right after he began serving his new alcoholic drink in the Rifugio Crucolo, his family restaurant. The real production and sale of the Parampampoli bottles has started in 1985.

Here is the true story of the invention of this spirit: Giordano and his friends found an old Austro-Hungarian recipe with the instruction for the “granpampel” preparation and they decided to try it.
They used a large pot on the fireplace: due to an accident, the liquid caught fire. The alcohol
burn and when the flames were extinguished they tasted the drink: Parampampoli was less alcoholic but rich of flavour and taste. Even today the Parampampoli is served “flambé” in the typical cups of thick ceramic.

Thanks to Mistofrigo