2 hours and 30 minutes

Pastry flour, 9 oz
Salt, 0,25 tbsp
Warm water, 5 oz
Active dry yeast, 0,5 tbsp
White sugar, 0,25 tbsp
Extra virgin olive oil, 4 tbsp
pitted and drained olives, 2 oz

Courgettes, 1
Carrots, 1
Extra virgin olive oil, to taste
Salt, to taste
Black pepper, to taste
Rosemary, to taste
Water, ½ glass
Pastry flour, 1 tbsd
Saclà oven-baked tomatoes, 3
Breadcrumbs, 6 tbsd

Potatoes, 3
Cold water, to taste
Salt, 0,5 tbsd
vegan pesto sauce, 2 oz
Sunflower oil, to taste


For the bread:
Put in a glass active dry yeast, sugar and water. Mix and let it rest for 10 minutes.
Put in a terrine sifted pastry flour, salt, the mixture previously prepared, extra virgin olive oil. Put at the end also the pitted and drained olives.
Knead very well in order to have an homogeneous mixture.
Let it rest for 2 hours.
Divide the mixture in some pieces and let them rest for 30 minutes.
Put in a pre-warmed static oven for 15 minutes at 200°.

For the filling:
Wash, clean and cut courgette and carrot.
Cook carrot and courgette with extra virgin olive oil, salt, black pepper, rosemary, water, pastry flour for almost 20 minutes.
Blend the mixture of vegetables.
Cut the Saclà oven-baked tomatoes.
Put the Saclà oven-baked tomatoes in your vegetables’ mixture. Add the breadcrumbs.
Shape the filling with your hands to form a cake similar to an hamburger.
Put in a static pre-warmed oven for 10 minutes at 180° (the cake don’t have to be dry).

For the chips:
Wash, peel and cut your potatoes in a very subtle way.
Put the potatoes in cold and salted water for 30 minutes.
Pass the potatoes in the Saclà vegan pesto sauce.
Fry the potatoes in abundant sunflower oil.

Thanks to La Mora in Cucina