very fresh hen’s eggs, 8
milk, 2,5 fl. oz
asparagus, 24
early mixed salads, 7 oz
1 egg-yolk
cream, 3/5 cup
4 chervil sprigs
4 dill sprigs
traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena
sweet grated Provolone Valpadana, 1,7 oz
Put the milk and the Provolone Valpadana in a bain-marie pan and cook it until the Provolone Valpadana is completely melted; at this point add the egg and cook in a bain-marie. When the egg starts to make the compound dense, take it away from the coke and slowly add cream until you obtain the desired density (the sauce have to be dense, but not too much). Clean the asparugus and cook them; they have to be al dente. Also clean the salad, dry it and keep it at a side. Cut the stalks of the asparagus slantwise and leave a 5 cm head. Then, put them in a small pan with some extra virgin olive oil; prepare 8 soup plates that you will use for the salad, the chervil and the dill, leaving all this in a cool place. In a large pan, boil water, salt and a drop of white wine vinegar, meanwhileprepare the broken eggs in 8 cups, pour them one by one in boiling water and let it boil for approximately 3 mins. Dry the asparagus with a dish towel and put them in the dishes. Finally, pick up the eggs from the water and dry them with a towel, after that put them at the center of each plate and veal with hot fondue.
Thanks to: Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadania