Plain flour, 34 Oz
Milk, 8,3 Oz
Sparkling water, 8,3 Oz
A knob of butter
A pinch of baking soda
Lard, 8,3 Oz


Pour the flour into a bowl (the food mixer one is fine).
Add the baking soda and the butter.
Be generous adding the salt since it is 1 kg of flour. A full hand is fine.
Add the milk and the sparkling water.
Start to mix all the ingredients in the food mixer using the dough hook. Otherwise knead by hands.
Mix until the right consistency. Add a bit of water to obtain a smooth and soft dough (100 cc of water). Knead it for about 10 minutes.
The final dough must be soft, elastic, and not dry. It does not stick to the hands.
Flour a bit a bowl, place the dough inside and cover the bowl. Let it rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Take a little piece of the dough and work it a little bit by hands.
Roll out the piece of dough into long stripe shape, using the rolling pin or the rolling machine (the one used also for fresh homemade pasta). The final thickness must be less than 0.5 cm.
Cut the dough stripes into diamonds shapes.
Fry the pieces of dough in seed oil, olive oil or lard (the most traditional option).
Dip gently one diamond dough into the hot lard and let it fry until the surface will puff up. Then turn the “gnocco fritto” and cook the other side for 5-6 seconds.
Place the cooked pieces of “gnocco” into a bowl previously covered with paper towels and serve them still hot with ham, salami or Italian cheese.

Thanks to: Il Cibo delle Coccole