20 Minutes

Fregula, 3,5 oz
Vegetable stock, q.s.
half small onion
San Marzano tomato, 1
White wine, 1 small glass
Artichokes, 2
fresh mint, 4 leaves
pine seeds, 1 handful
Parmigiano Reggiano, 1,7 oz
extra virgin olive oil


First, sweat the finely chopped onion in a pan with a little oil.
Add the fregula and toast it for 1-2 minutes. Pour the white wine and let it evaporate.
Lower the heat (medium-low) and add the vegetable stock. The cooking method of fregula is like the one to make risotto.
Keep adding a ladle of broth little by little until the fregula will be almost cooked, just 2 minutes from the end. It will take approximately 15 minutes.
At this point, add the artichokes previously chopped together with fresh mint leaves. Then, add the tomato (cut in small cubes and without pulp) and some whole pine nuts. Stir all together.
Cook for the last minute.
Turn off the heat and pour in the grated Parmigiano Reggiano. Stir.
Serve the fregula decorated with grinded pine nuts.

Thanks to: Il Cibo delle Coccole and Il Cibo delle Coccole – Youtube