The cuisine of the chef Pietro Parisi, from Naples, has always privileged the poor ingredients of peasant tradition – the first, authentic evidence of a cuisine which was, by necessity, zero food miles.
In his research, Parisi went back to the memories and flavors from the past, in order to bring to the tables the territory and all the products that it offers, along the cyclical passing of seasons.
Boccaccielli are the lucky result of his research: small, single-portion, glass pots, each one filled with a typical dish of Campania tradition. Both a tribute to tradition and a bow to contemporaneity, boccaccielli could be defined as “pret à porter” zero food miles dish, a challenge to the sophisticated recipes of today trendy restaurants, to show that it is possible to cook tasty and beautiful dishes without going too far from one’s backyard.
Seasonal flavors and aromas are furtherly emphasized by steam, vacuum cooking, that allows to preserve boccaccielli for longer and let the palate taste every single ingredient. Thus, every season turns into a discovery: the dishes proposed vary according to the availability of their ingredients, that are all personally singled out by Chef Parisi among thousands of local producers, constituting the texture of Campania territory.
In short, a real delight to the palate that can be eaten everywhere, maybe while reading a good book! Sice 2013, Parisi’s boccaccielli can also be found in Libri&Caffè – a unique literary bistro born from the minds of Edgar Colonnese and Luca Pisanti – in the foyer at the first floor of Mercadante Theatre, in the heart of Naples.
Thanks to: LIBRI & CAFFÉ. Il bistrot letterario al Teatro Mercadante